About Me

"One of the beautiful effects of living your passion is that it inspires other people to live theirs"

It all started when...

I created children’s cartoons at the age of four; then rode ponies, raised guinea pigs, decorated tree houses, and years later got sidetracked into a business career.  I traveled Asia and Europe fulfilling those ambitions we have in youth. With marriage and two children, I decided a worldly career had to make way for a more permanent lifestyle.  So I marbleized my foyer, painted birds on kitchen walls, and an amazing twenty-seven-year interior design/ decorative painted business was born.  In 2001 I convinced my husband to uproot our lives and follow our whims.  We moved to our river.  Twenty years later with awards and publications to be proud of I am now prepared to draw, paint, and create like a child again.

The Studio

