Making Friends With New Holiday Traditions

I admit I am 100% selfish when it comes to sharing holidays. But life changes, and a little flexibility helps everyone stay connected and happy. I was blessed to grow up in a home steeped in traditions that made every holiday special. Christmas always started on December 6th with Saint Nicolas visiting. We would leave our shoe outside our bedroom door with a carrot and sugar cubes for Saint Nick's horse to be rewarded with a small gift and chocolates in the morning. Then the decorations would go up. Lights outside and candles in the windows; a favorite of mine is mom would paint her front windows with snowmen, Santa, or winter scenes, and I would get to help.

My Mother and her ever growing collections of santas

Me at 4 months

My Dad always told us sometimes Santa worked in our basement, so do not go down there. At eleven, I was feeling some doubts; a few weeks before Christmas, I discovered an ornament on our kitchen floor that was not ours. Did Santa drop it? Was he working here last night? Had to be, so I believed for another year. The following year at twelve, my Mom decided that it was ok for me to go to midnight mass with my older sisters and their dates. Wow, I felt grown up and could even open my gifts afterward. My Dad disagreed and was a little perturbed. As the youngest, he wanted me to still believe. Waking the following day, as I came downstairs, there were more presents for me under the tree, and my Dad said Santa had bought them. At that moment, I knew Santa would always be real in my heart.

Santa visits

“Backward, turn backward O Time in your flight; Make me a child again Just for tonight.”

Elizabeth Akers Allen

When I married, I added my own traditions to the ones I grew up with. Christmas eve was always the big meal, sometimes including family or neighbors. Silver Spurs the elf bought new pajamas on Christmas eve that magically appeared on my children's beds. These family customs were continued with my granddaughters as Christmas was always at my home.

My helpers making pasta

Family Fun

Cookie baking on the 23rd

I collected ornaments, so there were a few years that I had eight trees or more, all decorated in a different theme.

There was always a super tall tree that had to be sparse, so the ornaments stood out when you hung them. I had to have the old fashion colored lights as this is Christmas spirit. Plenty of tinsel and anything that shines.

“Children need Christmas trees, and not artificial ones either. The artificial ones have no fragrance, and some of them play tunes, which is dreadful to think of”

Gladys Taber

This year will be different; my family will spend Christmas at my daughter's home. It is time to hand over Holidays so she can create traditions unique to her family. Seeing how my daughter embraces this holiday will be a strange but wonderful sensation, and I have no doubt it will be wonderful.

I am looking forward to spending time with my granddaughters and not stressing. I may get used to this. But I do miss my very tall tree.

“It’s Christmas In The Heart That Puts Christmas In The Air.”

W.T. Ellis